The Character I chose was the fish and I would say he is dominated by the Superego. The superego represents the angle on the shoulder that's telling the ego what is the right thing to do. While the id is telling the ego the wrong thing to do, id is the devil on the shoulder. The fish is the superego in this story because since the beginning of the story his been telling the cat to leave and the kids not to listen to the cat. The fish wanted the kids to follow the rules and this show that he is responsible. That's why say the fish plays the role of the cop and babysitter. All the time he was saying "No, No, No". The more he kept on saying no to the cat, the more he made the cat want to do more things. The cat thought the fish did not like his game, so he tried other games to satisfy him. But the fish kept with his word and eventually the cat and the kids listen to him and stop. He made them stop by his action of speech,he never was physical with anyone of one. His voice was angry and so that made the cat the kids notice that he was serious and was not playing around. Throughout the book the fish was more like the good, responsible person, but at the same time he was the control freak and the boring one. He was right about the cat making a big mess, but the kids just wanted to have fun. Plus the kids and the cat ended up cleaning the house anyway. His more likely to follow the rules, then break them. The fish was the one who was thinking about the consequences. Maybe the kids too, but they tended to ignore that. But that's nothing new, everyone tends to do that. For Example the kids knew if they made a big mess/did not follow the rules. They would be in trouble, but at that time they did not even want to think about it. All they wanted was to have fun. At that time they were not thinking straight, just like most of us. When a situation like the cat in the hat is put in front of you, there is 2 voices telling you what to do. One is telling you to do it and the other one is telling you not to do it. The more the other one is telling you not to do it, the more urge u have on committing it. And once you make your decision there is no going back. That's why when your put on a situation that you do not know on what to do. Stop and think about the outcomes that can occur after.