This is our first blog post for the book "Persepolis", written by Marjane Satrafi. This book is about a young girls experience threw out all the chaos that occurred in Iran. The kings, the veil, the wars, etc..In the next paragraphs I answered some questions that were given to us.
The writer's voice is clam, concerned, and appealing. She clam because she's not saying all these crazy things all at once, for example cussing. Also because she is not confusing to understand. She's concerned and appealing because she tells her story in details, order, different expressions, and she uses words that the readers can understand. She has this thing that makes her voice sound so interesting to read, I just can not explain it. She seems to really care about the bad things that happen in Iran. Just by reading this book I felt her emotions, I felt like I was going threw all those bad times. She told her story very well and made me feel like I was Marji. She made me feel happy, sad, angry, etc... but at different times. I just can not explain how and why the writer's voice was so good. I can not find the right words to explain it.
The Iran enjoyed life despite the oppressive regime mostly by making jokes. Some Iran enjoyed life by partying and drinking, which was illegal to do. It was a dangerous thing to do and if you got caught you would be in serious trouble. It was a law not to party or drink alcohol, you were not able to do those things. In the other hand making jokes and playing games were the best and safe way to enjoy life. It was not illegal, so you would not be in trouble for doing it. Joking around is something that everyone does to deal with there problems. We make jokes to relive ourselves and let out our true feelings out that we are holding inside. For example when Marji was making jokes about the torture sessions in school. She was pretending to be tortured and was saying all these things like "can't you see I'm suffering", " kill me" etc... She was making fun of it and at the same time she was trying to show what she really thought about the torture session. The only way she thought she was going to be heard was to make a joke about it. This on of the parts that made me laugh and also think about how we can express ourselves. Maybe laughing about things was one of the writer's message she was trying to give out. She was trying to tell everyone to laugh once in a while, even through bad times. Maybe in the future you'll look back at all the those good and bad times in your life and laugh.
Even in the risk of getting arrested kids were still trying to look hip and change the dress code of Iran. They were still doing bad things that would of got them in trouble. For example some kids still skip school knowing the risks they are taking. They know if they get caught they will be in HUGE trouble, but they still did it any way. An other example is when Marji wore jacket and shoes her parents gave her. She put it on top of her veil and went outdoors, and once again she knew what risks she was getting herself into. She learned her lesson after the bad experience she went through that day. For trying to look hip she was almost sent to the committee. A place where they can detain you for hour or even days. So basically if you tried to look hip, you would be getting yourself into problems. I think if I was a child in that environment, I would of followed every rule. I would not want to put myself in dangerous risks. In the environment I lived in my teenage year was way different from Marji's. We would have not got in huge problems for how we dressed, talked, and believed in. When I was a teen I would not say I was really rebellious. I admit I did some bad things, but never to a point where I end up somewhere bad. I had bad grades, was loud, did not listen to my parents, did not like cleaning up, I gossip and talked bad about others, and I did not care about anyone else but me. Also I was a huge liar and I did skip school one time. Which I will never possibly do again. Those are the things I did as a teen and possibly a few other things, but now I change into a mature and better person. Now I'm the opposite of what I was before. Everyone goes through a time where they are rebellious, so I would say that is just a normal thing that can occurs in your life.
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