We consume these things and a lot more. We are CONSUMERS!

When we consume a lot, there will be huge problems.
We are eating all we got left in this world.

We do not know when it's enough unless we see it for ourselves. If we keep on buying more & more , storing a lot of things in our life. But one day when it's really full, we will explode.

Some of us ignore the signs that are given to us

While others want to stop, but it's to late for them

Our lives is like a cycle which is- work, buy, consume, and die. It keeps going & going and never stops.
My Brief Reflection About My Visual Essay:
My visual essay is about consumerism and how it can not stop doing it. It's like we are addicted to consuming. We learn how to consume when we are babies, our parents are the first to show us how to consume. They buy things for themselves, us, friends, and family members. They might not mean to teach it to us, but they do. From that day on we keep on consuming until we die. We buy clothes, shoes, electrons, cars, food, supplies, etc... I'm not say we should not buy these things, I'm saying buy the exact amount you need. Some people buy to much, pretty soon they will notice that they own a lot more than they need. And so what they do is throw it away, while other people are in need of those things. If we keep on consuming to much, we will end up with a bad, useless life. Everything will be gone, a lot of things will go to waste, and the economy will suffer. And if we keep on consuming like we do now, especially technology. We will turn into worthless, lazy people, who can not live with out technology or any thing else that does work for us. Some of us do not see the sign that god or others are giving us. We tend to ignore it b/c we know that they are right. We know that we are consuming way to much, but we just can not stop it. While others ignore the signs, others want to have a end to it, but they are a little to late. Once we start to consume, we have this urge to keep on buying things. Their lives are all about consuming. They will be to weak to stop. Consuming is like a cycle that occurs in our lives. We work to but, which is consuming, and pretty soon we die. The cycle goes on & on, keeps on turning and never stops. If we want to stop it will take a lot of hard work. Everyone should be willing to sacrifice consuming. With a little help of every single person there could be change in the future. It might even turn out better than these days we live in. In the book feed Violet is the smart and normal one out of Titus and them. She knows that the feed is making them consume a lot of things, and so she starts to mess with it. She begins ordering these weird things, but does not buy it. The feed gets messed up and so does she. She was the only person who seemed to care about consumerism and how bad it was. So when her feed was messed up nobody wanted to fix it. Either b/c what she had done or b/c they knew she was a threat to them.
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