Reflection Essay This is a reflection essay based on our final feed project. I have to answer some question that were assigned, but first I start of by telling you that..... I did not know(forgot) we were suppose to write a reflection essay about our project, so I'm doing it right now before it's late. For our final project we either had to do a voice thread, video, imovie, posters/collages, or a 500 word essay. At first I was going to do a totally different thing from our choices. I was going to buy a mannequin head and cut out a hole in top of the head and put pictures of things that were going to be in my feed, but there was a problem. This week I was so busy, very busy. Yeah I know it was a 3 day weekend, but time went fast and had no time to do it. Also I did not have the money, location, and time to buy a mannequin head. Lucky this was the only homework assigned, or else I would of been stressed out. So to same me some time and my grade I decided to to a poster/collage. Okay enough of this, before I run out of words to type, here are my responses to the questions.
In my feed it contains all sorts of things and from all around the world. From music to movies and books. To sport, fashion, help(dictionary, calculator), food, cars, advice, etc.... My feed has everything, if you need something from a different country you are able to find it in this feed and order it from there. If you trouble with something, you just click on the help button that's posted for you, and your problem will be solved. This feed contains all this things because I want to provided your needs and wants. Don't you get annoyed when you can not find or get something you really need or want. Well if you ever have that problem of needing or wanting anything just get the MG FEED and you'll be satisfied. This feed will do all the BEST to provide you things.
In my opinion this says that the American culture relies on technology to much. When were not able to find or do something, our first choice is technology. We do not want to do things the hard and long way and so that's why we use technology. It makes it easier for us and faster. But maybe one day all of this technology will get taking away and how are we going to be able to survive. If we keep on relaying on technology we will forget how to use our brain and will be worthless. Same goes for consuming, if we keep on buying and buying we will get really greedy and end up killing the earth and ourselves. One they we might run out of things to buy and might even fight with others to get it. Some people already have the things that they are about to buy, but they still want it. They can not help themselves, it's like an addiction. They think material and money is all they need to make them happy, but here's the truth, it's not. You might think your not able to live out with material things, money, and technology. But that's not true, there are some people who have and are living without none of those things. Image if you came from a family that had no money to get any of those things. This people are real survivors of earth, they are well trained on how it feels to have nothing. They know how not to waste things. Even though they have the urge to get it, they control themselves and save money to buy things when they really need it. They should teaches us everything they know about not consuming and relaying on material and technology. We will learn from the best, specially the people who are rich and of full of this things. Unlike the poor people they tend to buy anything at any time even if they do not need it. Since they have the money and all, they are able to do so. For example in FEED Titus buys all this pants but does not have a reason for buying them. They are the real people who should be reading this and learning that they should probably change and not just for themselves or others, but also for EARTH. The reason why we are still alive today.
Like I said in the previous paragraph consuming and relaying on technology does not only have a impact on ourselves, but also towards other. I'm not saying that I do not consume or relay on technology, I do. All I'm saying is we need to change or else we will end up somewhere bad, somewhere where we will not like to be. We have to do things carefully. If we do not stop now, our future might turn out bad, we will be like everyone else consuming and using technology all the time. We will be killing ourselves and without knowing it. We have to be different from one an other but in a good way. Helping the earth and ourselves staying safe, out of danger, and alive. Little by little we will be able to change. I'm like the rest of you and if I'm willing to change and help out, so can you. We all are unique in our way. If you want life to be better then what it is now, just help out, and stop consuming to much.
In feed towards the end of the book when Violet was dying it said "everything must go...." Even in bad situations people still want you to consume. This means that every thing that they are selling needs to go, everything is on sale just for you to buy. This is also an other problem we have. The more and more we consume the more and more people create more things for us to consume and the more we will run out of things. We will be wasting things and probably will need those things later on. If we keep on buying and buying, that means that people have to keep on creating things for us. The more they create the more we are wasting. For example some things do not sell so how do people resolve that. Like in the quote it says EVERYTHING must go, that includes things that do not sell. They either throw it away, sell it cheap, or give it free. They try to find some way to make a person buy/get this. They want to get reed of it, before it is too late. They want you to consume. This quote can also be saying that everything, including us must go away someday. All of this that I just wrote about could be the moral of the story "feed". Anderson is trying to tell us how the future might turn out if continue life like this. He is trying to send us a message by writing about the how the future is going to be like. He is trying to give us an idea of it and wants us to stop and change.